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  Function            GetTypePointDevice - Pointing Device BIOS
                                             Interface: Get Device Id

  Syntax              int GetTypePointDevice(void);

  Prototype in        ibm.h

  Remarks             GetTypePointDevice() will get the device id of the
                      pointing device.

  Return value        returns the device id on success and -1 on failure.
                      The success code is stored in Borland's global
                      variable errno. Here are the possible error values:

                           0x00      Success
                           0x01      Invalid function
                           0x02      Invalid input
                           0x03      Interface error
                           0x04      Need to resend
                           0x05      No device handler installed

                      Because the device id is returned, you should cross
                      check any returned value of -1 with errno to insure
                      the function did fail. Only if -1 is returned AND
                      errno != 0 did the function fail.

  Note                This function is only available on PS/2 machines or
                      under DESQview 2.x.

  See also            ResetPointDevice(), SetPointDevice(),
                      SetRatePointDevice(), SetResPointDevice()

See Also: ResetPointDevice() SetPointDevice() SetRatePointDevice() SetResPointDevice()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson